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What is Bounce Rate ?

bounce Rate

Aften new blogger confused understanding Bounce Rate and what's the effect of bounce rate in our blog and websites so, today in this post I will explain what is Bounce rate and its effect on blog/sites.

The term “bounce rate” may be thrown at you sometimes when someone is discussing how successful advertising or a promotion might be. But, What is Bounce Rate?.

Bounce rate is a very important metric for website owners. It basically tells you what percentage of your visitors are “bouncing” away after landing on your site (e.g., they just visit one page and leave before clicking on to a second page inside your site). A bounce can occur for several reasons, including:

1. The visitor hit the “Back” button on his browser.
2. The visitor closed his browser.
3. The visitor clicked on one of your ads.
4. The visitor clicked on one of your external links.
5. The visitor used the search box on his browser.
6. The visitor typed a new URL on his browser.

It also depends on the TYPES of traffic you’re getting. Are you pulling in search engine traffic for obscure terms simply because you can, are you getting tones of social media come and go? Or are you getting quality organic searches on your topic or click through’s from relevant blogs / sites.

All the actions above would cause the visitor to leave your site. Provided he did any of these actions right after arriving at your site (and before clicking on to a second page), it would be counted as a bounce. In fact the formula for finding the bounce rate on your website is:

Bounce rate = Visits that left after one page / Total number of visits

Let explain me for e.g, if during a certain month your site received 120,000 visits, out of which 80,000 bounced after visiting just one page, your bounce rate for that month would be 80,000 divided by 120,000, which equals to 0.66 (or 66%). Notice that you can calculate the bounce rate of your whole website or of single pages inside it.

Obviously the lower the bounce rate on your website, the better, because it means that visitors are getting engaged by your content and design, and that they are clicking to visit a second (third and so on) page on your site.

Useful links:
*: Show Blogger Post Title Before Blog Title
*: How to start Blog and Earn Money full guide
*: Index/Submit Your New Blog In Google Search Console
*: What Next After Creating Your First Blog in Blogger

So What Does Bounce Rate Matter?

Well for some things it doesn’t. I would assume visitors searching for your site via google etc, may bounce more, after they find the answer or query they are searching for.

Bounce rate may also effect which advertising opportunities you wish to pursue. If you are getting a lot of hits from a certain advertising opportunity, but they are leaving your page without clicking other pages of your site, that may be of less valuable to you.

Finding your exact Bounce Rate

There are many web analytics program like Google Analytics , getclicky.com. Analytics is easy to set-up on your blog, it only needs a simple code. After the code is added you can explore tons of stats that include bounce rate.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this informative post. Bounce rate is an important parameter that tells why your website is not getting visitors. These factors count a lot in determining the bounce rate.


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